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Childcare and working from home!

Childcare and working from home!

The school summer holidays are literally just around the corner (some have already started!), and many working parents will be planning the 6-8 weeks with meticulous precision, who is going to which holiday club, grandparents or friends houses on which days- who is...

How to plan a restructure

How to plan a restructure

Just the word ‘restructure’ can fill many employees and employers with dread, after all change is tough. But change can also be exciting. If you keep doing the same thing you will likely get the same result so if you need (or want) different results you need to make...

Apprenticeship – good or bad for the small business?

Apprenticeship – good or bad for the small business?

We think good. Now, let us explain why… Everyone often associates Apprenticeship schemes with the large corporate employer who have the welfare co-ordinator, the role rotation and the years of experience in making them work.  In recent years small businesses have...

Employment Law changes in 2024

Employment Law changes in 2024

So, after a few years of extraordinarily little change in the Employment Law world other than those derived from Case Law, 2024 is set to see quite a few changes across a few different regulations. Some are confirmed and others are still in the parliamentary process....

Employment Rights Regulations 2023

Employment Rights Regulations 2023

The Employment Rights Regulations legislation is likely to take effect from 1 January 2024 and impacts the following: Holiday pay – the aim is to simplify the holiday pay calculations by making rolled-up holiday (paying 12.07% of hours worked) lawful for part-year...

Mediation and managing tricky relationships

Mediation and managing tricky relationships

We are all human, we’re all different. Minor disagreements, differing views and opinions in the workplace are normal and can often be a positive for a firm. Healthy debate can encourage new perspectives and create innovative and new ideas. However, sometimes...

Upcoming school strikes and how to manage your employees

Upcoming school strikes and how to manage your employees

The National Education Union (NEU) has announced that its members will have school strikes in a dispute over pay, this is unlikely to be new news to you, but have you considered how it may impact your business and its employees?  It is a slightly grey area as we are...

How to support staff impacted by the loss of a baby

How to support staff impacted by the loss of a baby

A special thank you to Tara Rowberry-Duignan for writing this blog for us.  This week the amazing Gloucester based charity footsteps has joined Baby Loss Communities across the world to mark Baby Loss Awareness week (October 9 -15) and many will join the Global...

Harmful Gambling in the South West and how to support your employees

Harmful Gambling in the South West and how to support your employees

Earlier this year, some of our HR Consultants attended a Harmful Gambling Webinar from the excellent team at Worksafe, a partnership between the training arm of Betknowmore UK (BKM Evolve) and GamCare. We understand that gambling can be a safe activity for many, but...

Bristol Businesses supporting the Neurodiverse workforce

Bristol Businesses supporting the Neurodiverse workforce

A neurodiverse workforce is good for businesses, for so many reasons. Neurodiversity or neurodivergence is a relatively new term and a term not everyone will be familiar with, to put simply, it’s the way a brain can function, it’s a disability that everyone should...

Local South West Success Stories

Local South West Success Stories

These long dark evenings coupled with the uncertainty surrounding covid and the coming months have made us feel a little grey. To lift spirits, we wanted to share some positive news from some of our clients and other local businesses that are achieving wonderful...

Coronavirus and the implications on Recruitment in the South-West

Coronavirus and the implications on Recruitment in the South-West

According to the job search engine Adzuna, more than 72,000 vacancies across the UK have been marked with ‘urgent’ or requiring an ‘immediate start’ between May and July. This is following the increase in the number of workers being ‘pinged’ from the NHS Track and...

Our Experience: The Intangible Power of Meeting Face-to-Face

Our Experience: The Intangible Power of Meeting Face-to-Face

If you follow our socials you’ll have seen we met for a team outdoor pub lunch in Gloucestershire on Tuesday this week. We originally planned to have a picnic in a park, but our true to form British weather decided against that. Even though it didn’t go to plan, it...

Are employees experiencing burnout in Bristol?

Are employees experiencing burnout in Bristol?

Without a doubt, it is a stressful time right now for businesses and their employees in the South West.  Whether your business is having to think fast and diversify to be something ‘Covid safe’, or the additional administration around employee furloughs and remote...

South West Silver Linings to Lockdown

South West Silver Linings to Lockdown

With the re-opening of shops and more recently pubs and restaurants opening we are starting to see light at the end of the tunnel as lockdown is slowly being lifted and the ‘new normal’ is being adopted by many South West businesses. In amongst the chaos, uncertainty...

Growth of greener businesses in Bristol and that vegan case!

Growth of greener businesses in Bristol and that vegan case!

The rise in the number of sole vegan restaurants in Bristol, and across the South West has dramatically risen over the last 3 years and we have all noticed the number of vegan options available in general restaurants has increased significantly. Campaigns such as...

Bristol Christmas Party Blunders

Bristol Christmas Party Blunders

‘Tis the season to be jolly… but not too jolly! Christmas party blunders - events often resolve in some frolics, last year a long-serving Avon and Somerset policeman was dismissed after touching a female staff member on the bottom, following a slap which left marks,...