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HR Knowhow

Minimum Wage

Minimum Wage

We’ve written about this is the past, but it’s recently made the headlines again and always worth having a reminder.  Under UK legislation, all employers must pay their staff the hourly National Minimum Wage, it doesn’t matter what industry sector you work in, the...

Minimum Wage

Minimum Wage

We’ve written about this is the past, but it’s recently made the headlines again and always worth having a reminder.  Under UK legislation, all employers must pay their staff the hourly National Minimum Wage, it doesn’t matter what industry sector you work in, the...

Baby Loss and the Workplace

Baby Loss and the Workplace

This week is Baby Loss Awareness Week. And October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, we felt it was important to acknowledge this and support raising awareness and also offer some guidance on how managers and business owners can support parents who have...

Moving offices?

Moving offices?

Are you moving offices? Or have you recently moved offices? In Malmesbury, Wiltshire, successful firm Dyson, have recently announced they are expanding once more to include 45,000sqm of new development space to house around 2,000 employees. Moving offices, like moving...

Do you have a Social Media Policy?

Do you have a Social Media Policy?

For many small businesses HR Policies are quite low down on the priorities list, but as your business grows, having policies and procedures in place will support your business growth, protect you for the future and importantly ensure you are legally compliant. One...

Flexible Working

With the introduction of The Flexible Working Regulation, that came into force 30 June 2014; every employee (after they’ve completed 26 weeks of employment service) has the statutory right to ask to work flexibly – this can include, a request for reduced hours, change...

Managing the Holidays

It’s August and it’s holiday time… and England is still hot!? Here we will discuss managing the holidays but first... hopefully everyone is able to keep cool? Have a read of our previous blog on the maximum workplace temperature. Here at CitrusHR Consulting, August is...

Feeling hot hot hot…

Feeling hot hot hot…

Here in the South West (and most of the UK) the temperatures have been soaring. It’s wonderful to see the sunshine but as with all adverse weather conditions it can also create some issues in the workplace. As an employer, it is best to be prepared and know what your...

Employee Happiness

Employee Happiness

Did you know that Bristol is currently in search for the Happiest Workplace 2018? This is a competition being hosted by local Bristol firm Wylde IA in partnership with Bristol Mind: Happiest Workplace Competition. Entries are still being accepted, if you’re local to...